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Refugee Resettlement

At TI, tikkun olam has traditionally meant a hands-on approach and for more than twenty years our Social Action Committee has sponsored a wide spectrum of thriving projects.  We are especially proud of our work on refugee resettlement. Our commitment to tikkun olam – healing and repairing the world – is a natural outgrowth of Tifereth Israel’s progressive concern for both the local community and world around us.


Starting in 2023 through New Neighbors Interfaith Alliance (NNIA), Tifereth Israel members have been supporting a family from Afghanistan who have settled in Montgomery County, MD. Support has included babysitting, driving family members to doctor and other appointments, finding childcare and summer activities for children, and more. In addition, the Social Action Committee has earmarked funds to support the family and other families helped by NNIA as needs arise.



TI’s Social Action Committee voted to join NNIA in the Spring of 2023. Here are some of the many ways we have been involved with NNIA so far.

TI joined the team supporting the Shirzad family—a family of six refugees from Afghanistan who live nearby in Summit Hills apartments. Probably our most important contribution is to provide Hadia, the mother of the family, with a job. Since November 2023, she has been working roughly 10 hours a week as part of Francie’s kitchen team at TI.


Activities with the Shirzad family:

  • Locating summer camp and preschool programs for three of the children
  • Volunteers helped drive the two older children to and from summer camp
  • Volunteers currently drive the 4 year old to and from her preschool daily
  • Four day a week tutoring/homework support for the 3rd grader and academic enrichment for the 1st grader
  • Babysat  for family during Mom’s English lessons or when the baby needed surgery
  • Transportation to doctors/dentist appointments has been needed occasionally
  • Coordinating and driving to swim lessons for two older children
  • Planning fun activities for children and family over school breaks
  • In kind donations of winter clothing for the children
  • Providing occasional grocery gift cards to supplement their food budget (thanks to both Social Action and Kol Nashim)

All these things were coordinated with tireless NNIA volunteers.


Support for NNIA in General:

  • One TI volunteer attends and drives refugees to the Women’s Circle each month
  • Social Action Committee donated money to pay for food at the annual picnic, buy mattresses and bed frames
  • Donated needed items like a TV and a sewing machine


Get Involved:


-Volunteer  Your Time—

  1. To work with the Shirazad family: speak with Rachel Seidel or Bob Mathis about opportunities for tutoring, driving support, family fun activities, etc.
  2. To work with other families NNIA with direct support:  there is always  need for tutors, drivers and employment coaches. An easy way to start is to drive someone to the Women’s Circle once a month.
  3. To work behind the scenes for NNIA: there is a need for a coordinator for in-kind donations, and both the education and food committees can always use more support.

If you are working directly with families there is a very simple Maryland background check that must be completed.

Please reach out to Rachel Seidel or Bob Mathis to learn more about working with NNIA.


If you would like to donate money to the Marvin Caplan Fund specifically to help immigrant families, please make sure to specify this when donating.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784