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We’re delighted you are considering making TI your Jewish home. New members enjoy:

  • Dues reduction of 50% (except <30 memberships)
  • Two free Shabbat dinners for the adults and children in your family
  • Tuition reduction at the Himmelfarb School: Free for first child in your family, 50% off any other children you have in school that year.  Don't have an eligible child now? Use tuition reduction the first year you have someone ready for the Himmelfarb School.
  • The option for each adult member to sign up for one year of free Gevarim membership.

Ready to join?
Fill out the membership form.

Note: Finances should never prevent anyone from joining TI. If you want to be part of our community but
afford dues as listed, contact Jevera Temsky for a confidential conversation about financial abatement.

Exploring your options? Here are some questions to consider:

  • What manner of Jewish observance feels right for me?

  • What am I searching for? Prayer, spirituality, learning, social action, friendship networks, a personal connection
    with the rabbi, all of the above, something else?

  • How would I like to be involved in the life of the synagogue?

  • How might family members who aren’t Jewish be included in synagogue life?

As you consider these and other issues, we invite you to learn about TI:

We look forward to meeting you!


Fill out TI's membership form.

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784