Event - Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah
Pick up Lulav & Etrog at TI
Sun., October 13 ♦ 3 pm-5 pm
Tue., October 15 ♦ 10 am-3 pm
Wed., October 16 ♦ 10 am - 12 noon
Sunday, October 13 | Prepare the TI Sukkah!
10:30 am ♦ Help Build the Sukkah
1 pm ♦ Help Decorate the Sukkah
Thursday, October 17 | Sukkot 1
9 am ♦ Festival Service *
12:30 pm ♦ Sukkah Walk
Friday, October 18 | Sukkot 2
9 am ♦ Festival Services *
6:30 pm ♦ Maariv
7 pm ♦ Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah
(registration closed)
Chol Hamoed Sukkot
Sat., October 19 at 9 am ♦ Shabbat Services with Kiddush in the Sukkah
Sun., October 20 at 11 am ♦ Sukkot Tot Craft and Story
Sun., October 20 at 5 pm ♦ USY/Kadimah - Pizza in the Hut
Mon., October 21 at 7:30 pm ♦ Politics & Beer in the Sukkah
Tue., October 22 from 4-8 pm ♦ Werbow Sukkah Open House
Wednesday, October 23 | Hoshana Rabah
7:30 am ♦ Services
Thursday, October 24 | Shmini Atzeret
9 am ♦ Festival Services *
~11 am ♦ Yizkor Service *
7 pm ♦ Erev Simchat Torah Services *
Friday, October 25 | Simchat Torah
9 am ♦ Festival Services *
*In person and via Zoom
Tue, February 11 2025
13 Shevat 5785